Saturday, July 29, 2006


The next time you worry that your digital camera isn't as fast or high-resolution as it should be, take comfort that at least it doesn't take 2 + a half hours to generate an image, and is more than .0027 megapixels. Of course, your camera also isn't powered by ping-pong balls.

Two Media Technology students from the University of Leiden, the Netherlands created PingPongPixel for their graduation project as an example of "interactive non-luminescent display systems." In English, this means a shelf of six different colors of ping-pong balls, varying shades of gray, being processed and dropped into place 45 at a time, until 2.5 hours later, a picture of Elvis emerges. Or perhaps you would prefer Gandhi, or Margaret Thatcher - it's a very versatile system.

The inventors promise a home version by 2007. Okay, not really.


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