Monday, January 07, 2008

Down at the ol' Rumor Mill

Oh boy. The internets are all a-flutter with rumors of a Nikon D3x currently in beta testing, with possible release later this year. One version of this story has the D3x with a 18MP FX (Nikon's full-frame) sensor. That seems reasonable enough, I guess – a challenger to Canon's studio champ, the 1Ds Mk III, weighing in at 21.1 MP. Another version tells of a 38.7 MP FX TIMOS (for Time Interpolated Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, whatever the hell that means) sensor, which seems implausible enough, but then they go on to say...

"Oh, by the way it will be out in September,2008 and since R&D costs were recovered on the D3, the price will be unchanged!"

Yeah, I'm calling shenanigans on this one. It took Nikon THIS long to get in the full-frame sensor game, and we're supposed to believe they have a 38.7 MP version already waiting in the wings? Imported from the future indeed!

I feel torn, because on one hand, this is a photography blog, and you expect to read that sort of unsubstantiated rumor on, well, ANY technology blog, and who am I to blow against the wind? On the other hand, I find this kind of crystal-ball gazing and gear-head-ery tedious, and distracting from the real matter at hand, that being making great images.

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